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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - bracket


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: perhaps from Middle French braguette codpiece, from diminutive of brague breeches, from Old Occitan braga, from Latin braca, of Celtic originmore at breech  Date: 1580  1. an overhanging member that projects from a structure (as a wall) and is usually designed to support a vertical load or to strengthen an angle  2. a fixture (as for holding a lamp) projecting from a wall or column  3.  a. one of a pair of marks used in writing and printing to enclose matter or in mathematics and logic as signs of aggregation — called also square ~  b. one of the pair of marks < > used to enclose matter — called also angle ~  c. parenthesis 3  d. brace 5b  4. a section of a continuously numbered or graded series (as age ranges or income levels)  II. transitive verb  Date: circa 1847  1.  a. to place within or as if within ~s editorial comments are ~ed news stories ~ed by commercials  b. to eliminate from consideration ~ off politics  c. to extend around so as to encompass ; include test pressures…which ~ virtually the entire range of passenger-car tire pressures — Consumer Reports  2. to furnish or fasten with ~s  3. to put in the same category or group ~ed in a tie for third  4.  a. to get the range on (a target) by firing over and short there were mortar rounds ~ing the area — Ed Bradley  b. to establish the limits of ~ed the problem neatly  c. to take photographs of at more than one exposure in order to ensure that the desired exposure is obtained
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a right-angled or other support attached to and projecting from a vertical surface. 2 a shelf fixed with such a support to a wall. 3 each of a pair of marks () Etymology: {} used to enclose words or figures. 4 a group classified as containing similar elements or falling between given limits (income bracket). 5 Mil. the distance between two artillery shots fired either side of the target to establish range. --v.tr. (bracketed, bracketing) 1 a couple (names etc.) with a brace. b imply a connection or equality between. 2 a enclose in brackets as parenthetic or spurious. b Math. enclose in brackets as having specific relations to what precedes or follows. 3 Mil. establish the range of (a target) by firing two preliminary shots one short of and the other beyond it. Etymology: F braguette or Sp. bragueta codpiece, dimin. of F brague f. Prov. braga f. L braca, pl. bracae breeches ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) кронштейн; консоль; подвес(ка); держатель 2) крепёжная скоба 3) машиностр. поперечина; траверса 4) строит. подкос 5) боковой подступёнок (деревянной лестницы) 6) командоаппарат, командоконтроллер 7) гитара (станка) 8) мор. кница; бракета 9) скобка заключать в скобки - A-bracket - adjustable bracket - aileron hinge bracket - angle bracket - angle cock bracket - battery bracket - beam bracket - bearer bracket - bilge bracket - body bracket - bogie lifting bracket - brake-gear support bracket - brake shart bracket - broken bracket - cantilever-type support bracket - classical brackets - contact bracket - corner bracket - counterweight bracket - curly bracket - dome platform bracket - door closer bracket - engine-mounting bracket - engine bracket - floor bracket - hanger bracket - hinge bracket - key lever bracket - knee-braced bracket - Lagrange brackets - lamp bracket - lifting bracket - lower bracket - margin-plate bracket - margin bracket - mini bracket - movement-preventive bracket - pointed bracket - Poisson's brackets - Poisson brackets - pulley bracket - rigid bracket - rocker arm shaft bracket - roofing bracket - round bracket - shipping bracket - side frame bracket - squab bracket - square bracket - split clamp bracket - statement bracket - subscript bracket - support bracket - suspension bracket - suspension file bracket - table bracket - thrust reverser carrier bracket - universal lifting bracket - upper bracket - wall bracket ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  кронштейн схватка, узловая связь светильник на кронштейне, бра боковой подступёнок angle bracket bearer bracket fixing bracket gallows bracket pipe bracket roofing bracket sidewalk bracket steel bracket stirrup bracket supporting bracket wall bracket ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) кронштейн 2) скоба 3) подвеска; держатель – printing bracket ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) кронштейн; держатель; бра; подвеска 2) консоль консольный 3) машиностр. державка 4) вертлюг 5) воен. вилка (пристрелки) 6) машиностр. державка 7) матем. скобка (круглая или квадратная) заключать в скобки 8) строит. схватка, узловая связь; (крепежная) скоба 9) мор. бракета - arm extension bracket - beam bracket - broken bracket - carrier bracket - change gear bracket - closing bracket - curly bracket - initial bracket - knee-braced bracket - left bracket - opening bracket - ordinary bracket - pointed bracket - right bracket - round bracket - square bracket - swan-necked bracket ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) категория, группа 2) скобка – age bracket – angle bracket – round bracket – square bracket BRACKET 1. сущ. 1) категория, группа 2) разряд, рубрика • - bracket creep - bulge bracket - higher income bracket - lower-income bracket - middle-income bracket 2. гл. разграничивать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. кронштейн; консоль; опора; скоба (крепежная) 2. мор. бракет; кница 3. небольшая полочка 4. бра 5. скобки round brackets —- круглые скобки 6. группа, категория; рубрика the 24 to 55 age bracket —- лица в возрасте от 24 до 55 лет temperature beyond the 65 to 85 bracket —- температура выше полосы 65-85 there are several income brackets —- население делится на несколько групп по доходу 7. группировка; интервал значений (в статистике) 8. воен. вилка (при пристрелке) 9. скобка (фигура в конькобежном спорте) 10. наружная газовая или электрическая арматура 11. мат. объединительная черта (над выражением) 12. боковая сторона лафета 13. песня в стиле калипсо с бессмысленным набором слов 14. заключать в скобки 15. соединять скобками 16. ставить в один ряд (с кем-л., чем-л.); группировать the two sportsmen were bracketed for the prize —- оба спортсмена завоевали призовые места 17. -воен отыскивать вилку 18. воен. захватывать в вилку ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) скобка - round brackets - square brackets  2) кронштейн, консоль; бра  3) группа, рубрика - age bracket  4) газовый рожок  5) mil. вилка (при стрельбе)  2. v.  1) заключать в скобки  2) упоминать, ставить наряду с кем-л., с чем-л. dont bracket me with him - не ставьте меня на одну доску с ним  3) mil. захватывать в вилку ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (brackets, bracketing, bracketed) 1. If you say that someone or something is in a particular bracket, you mean that they come within a particular range, for example a range of incomes, ages, or prices. ...a 33% top tax rate on everyone in these high-income brackets... Do you fall outside that age bracket? N-COUNT: usu n N 2. Brackets are pieces of metal, wood, or plastic that are fastened to a wall in order to support something such as a shelf. Fix the beam with the brackets and screws. ...adjustable wall brackets. N-COUNT 3. If two or more people or things are bracketed together, they are considered to be similar or related in some way. The Magi, Bramins, and Druids were bracketed together as men of wisdom... Austrian wine styles are often bracketed with those of northern Germany. = categorize VERB: pl-n be V-ed together, be V-ed with n 4. Brackets are a pair of written marks that you place round a word, expression, or sentence in order to indicate that you are giving extra information. In British English, curved marks like these are also called brackets, but in American English, they are called parentheses. The prices in brackets are special rates for the under 18s... = parenthesis N-COUNT: usu pl, oft in N 5. Brackets are pair of marks that are placed around a series of symbols in a mathematical expression to indicate that those symbols function as one item within the expression. N-COUNT: usu pl ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 usually plural a) BrE also round bracket one of the pair of signs () put around words to show that the rest of the writing can be read and understood without these words; parenthesis AmE  (in brackets)  (Last year's sales figures are given in brackets.) b) AmE square bracket AmE a sign like this that is square () c) angle bracket a sign like this that is shaped  (- compare brace2 (4)) 2 income/tax/age etc bracket an income etc that is inside a particular range  (Peter's new job puts him in the highest tax bracket.) 3 a piece of metal, wood, or plastic, often in the shape of the letter L, fixed to a wall to support something such as a shelf ~2 v 1 to put brackets around a written word, piece of information etc  (Debit amounts are usually bracketed.) 2 to consider two or more people or things as being the same type + together/with  (Women and minors were bracketed together for the legislation.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1580, bragget, from M.Fr. braguette "codpiece," from a fancied resemblance of that article to architectural supports, dim. of brague "knee pants," ultimately from Gaulish *braca "pants," itself from Gmc. (cf. O.E. broc "garment for the legs and trunk"). The typographical bracket is first recorded 1750, so called for its resemblance to double supports in carpentry. Senses affected by L. brachium "arm." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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